dermatophagoides farinae การใช้
- Der f 1 is found in the fecal pellets of the American house dust mite " Dermatophagoides farinae ".
- Eur m 1 shares 88 % identity with Der f 1, which has led to the proposal that " Euroglyphus maynei " may be more closely related to " Dermatophagoides farinae " than " Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus ".
- Following the naming conventions of allergens, these peptidase 1 variants include "'Der p 1 "'of the European house dust mite " Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus "; "'Der f 1 "'of the American house dust mite " Dermatophagoides farinae "; and "'Pso o 1 "'of the sheep scab mite " allergies in temperate climates.